Zaffi Taffy And Pork Clouds

Sugar-Free Products of the Week!

Each week, I've been sampling a new sugar-free snack or two and I thought I'd share some of them with my fellow hungry bloggers. My dietary needs include sugar-free foods, but I know plenty of people like to cut down the amount of sugar in their diets, too. This week I tried Pork Clouds and Zaffi Taffy.

Pork rinds are such a great sugar-free snack, but I've never enjoyed the flavor or how hard their crunch is. Sometimes they feel like eating rocks! So when I heard about Pork Clouds, which are supposed to be much softer and come in a variety of flavors, I knew I had to try them. I tried the Habanero Pepper flavor, which was good, but they were pretty much as hard as any pork rinds as I've had in the past. The package I received from Bariatricpal were also best used by six months ago, so maybe that had something to do with it. I would try them again in another flavor and hopefully a fresher pack to see if I liked them again. 

Zaffi Taffy, on the other hand, was great! It's from the same maker of Zollipops. I am a taffy lover and miss it, so you bet I wanted to try these. They aren't exactly like saltwater taffy but they're fruity, chewy and flavorful without being too sticky, and as a bonus, they clean your teeth with xylitol. After having two after a meal each day, I've already re-ordered some.

What sugar-free products are you enjoying this week? Share them in the chat!

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