
Flavored drinks at home

Why pay more when you can do it yourself for a fraction of the price?

Flavored drinks are one of the best things on this earth. If I were one of those rich and famous people who spent money on stupid frivolity every day, I would totally spend my money on theater tickets and flavored coffees, teas and sparkling whatevers. I am a sucker for anything with fruit in it, even though it usually costs anywhere from $1.50 to $4, which is ridiculous.

Lately I have been trying to make my own flavored manna from Heaven at home, and so far, so good. Flavored tea is super easy; just make your regular iced tea—whether you like it sweet or unsweetened and flavored with fruit, stevia, whatever you like—and then add a syrup of your choice. Vanilla, cherry, and raspberry are really easy to get a hold of from the grocery store for about $3 (the price of one of these drinks, only you can make 5-10, depending on how much you like!); if you like other flavors (blackberry is my favorite), you might have to buy them from a tea shop, international foods store, or online. This one looks pretty promising.


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