VegaDeli Café is Hiring

A St. Louis A-List restaurant, VegaDeli Café is an all-vegan restaurant that offers a wide assortment of vegan foods. Not only are the owners vegan—the entire staff is, too. So if you’re a St. Louis vegan looking for a place to really shine, promote your ethics, and eat some awesome food, VegaDeli is the place for you.

The restaurant serves absolutely no frozen foods; everything is fresh and delicious. Ever wanted to try raw stuffed tomatoes, raw corn chowder, mozzarella cornbread, or a handmade vegan burger with chipotle, mango, or teriyaki? At VegaDeli, you can try all of these foods and dozens more.

Applying is super easy. Just click here to find out a bit more about the job and submit your name and contact information. Boom, that’s it—the whole first step toward applying.

Be forewarned—the site itself says the wages are, and I quote, “crappy!” However, there are plenty of other awesome benefits, including:

  • Hours that are flexible for you and your lifestyle
  • Access to the most delicious vegan food in St. Louis
  • A warm, open environment that’s conducive to learning
  • A menu that’s always changing—which amounts to plenty of excitement

Working in a vegan restaurant just sounds really fun and hip, doesn’t it? I’d imagine that you’d meet plenty of interesting people every day. Vegans also often practice a higher level of social consciousness—as any vegans reading this already know—which could also allow employees an added level of connection and knowledge. Imagine the various connections, campaigns, resources, and other information you could glean in this position. It really could be the opportunity of a lifetime.

According to the restaurant, “A plant-based menu is one thing, but a delicious assortment of healthy offerings is something else.” VegaDeli strives to serve scrumptious vegan food that appeals to not only vegans, but to anyone wanting to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Good flavor and good food should not have to be sacrificed to eat healthy meals—just as animals shouldn’t have to be, either.

VegaDeli Café also offers a remarkable 20-day cleanse program for people who wish to lose weight or adopt a healthier lifestyle. The raw food program includes videos, recipes, workouts, shopping lists, and more for people who wish to eat raw food for a few days, for 20 days, or who want to start a whole lifetime of raw food eating.

Delicious Recipes for Apple Month

September is Apple Month, naturally. Who doesn’t think of apples—plain, caramel-topped, or otherwise—when they think about fall? (And for my fellow fall-lovers, doesn’t that word just make you giddy? It’s closer in the mirror than it appears!) Apples are one of the most delicious gifts from Mother Nature, and it’s high time we made use of them. Here are some fun ways to celebrate Apple Month!

Bake or fry some apples. Mmm, doesn’t that just sound scrumdillyumptious? I love to toss cut apples, a bit of butter, lots of cinnamon and some sugar into a skillet and create a warm, cinnamon-y scent that fills my home before the delicious dessert fills our bellies. That said, I’ve never baked apples before, so that’s what I’m going to do this month. There’s a pretty delicious-looking recipe here, though I’m sure any recipe involving apples and sweet spices (and brown sugar—one of my favorite ingredients!) would work well. Roasting them sounds good, too.

Make (or at least enjoy) some apple cider. Just the thought of this warm, spicy drink makes my mouth water. My memories involving cider revolve around fall nights outside with my family, especially around Halloween. Most recipes seem to call for already-made cider and several ingredients to spice it up. That said, if you search for homemade apple cider recipes, you’re sure to find some instructions that are easy and accessible.

Use apples in your regular cooking. Slice up some apples and bake them instead of French fries for a healthier, sweeter treat. Dice them finely and add them to any marinated meat dish or even a stew for a nice tart addition. Chunks of apples in salad are also heavenly. For breakfast, try making some apple and cheese pancakes, or pack up some apple coleslaw for your lunch.

Make dessert. Go for the hot apple pie that almost every American seems to enjoy—or create something more unique, such as apple dumplings, apple muffins, or my favorite, apple strudel.

Start the day with apples. Warm up your family with some delicious apple cinnamon oatmeal, or if you’re in a hurry, just toss an apple in your bag.

Keep your teeth clean with apples. Eating an apple after a meal can help clean and brighten teeth—to a minimal level—when an opportunity to brush is unavailable.

Go apple picking. There’s no better way to get some delicious, fresh apples—and they’re usually quite cheap. Our local orchard sells them for just over a dollar a pound.

The Joys of Parboiling Potatoes

Because I am relatively new to things in the kitchen that are not pre-packaged, I am also new to the terminology that comes with cooking things the right way.

Today's lesson for me was par-boiled potatoes. Par-boiled potatoes should be boiled anywhere from 5-15 minutes (I found a wide variety of opinions from both my online sources and my sources that I could speak to directly.) The idea behind par-boiled potatoes is to give your potatoes that extra-magical jump-start they need to cook for delicacies such as hash browns and more.

Like any potatoes, par-boiled potatoes should be cooked longer if they are whole, and less if they are cut into chunks or french-fry-like strips of potatoes.

Lest you wonder, par-boiling is not for potatoes only. You can par-boil other vegetables before freezing them, or you can par-boil tomatoes in order to get the skins off of them easily. According to this overly-informative site on parboiling, some rice producers even parboil rice at the time of harvest which makes the rice taste better in theory.

The experts claim that the danger of par-boiling is that your potatoes can get too mushy- as anyone who has ever eaten mushy fried potatoes knows, there is nothing worse. As my on-hand expert states: the key is managing the thickness of your cuts of potato if you are not par-boiling whole entire potatoes. Small potato wedges can be cooked for under five minutes- or enough to drive a fork through the potato with medium resistance. (Why anyone would want to attack a poor, defenseless potato is beyond me, of course...)

At this point in the par-boiling debate, I must confess that my par-boiling duties were limited to peeling the potatoes with my super-duper peeler from Asia and cutting the potatoes into small wedges, so I can't necessarily say how mushy potatoes get if over-cooked. Given my past record with kitchen mayhem and mishaps, I am sure that I would over-boil the potatoes into a mushy glob and ruin any chances for success in either roasting the potatoes or in frying them.

And, as an aside to the parboiling topic in general, if you are trying to impress your foodie friends with the word "par-boiling", it won't work- trust me, they probably learned it from their parents in elementary school.

Small Tricky Magic Wooden Box - $3.05

At first I was not quite sure what to think when I found this on Meritline but after some serious consideration I am pretty sure everyone should own the Small Tricky Opening Magic Wooden Box with Extra Secure Secret Drawer and here is why: it is totally cute! This would be a great way to "wrap" up some small presents you have been meaning to give and I bet the kids would love it! It is kind of like a puzzle in the way it opens up and is "locked" by three separate locking mechanisms. This would also be a great little decoration as well - I think if you got 2 of them they would be neat little book end. The box features a real drawer inside for you to keep any small items safe. The box is entirely made of wood and does not have and exposed nails or other sharp metal objects coming out from it - and, hello, it is only $3.05 with free shipping!

I was not sure of the size of it because that information is not posted on Meritline but when I checked a few other sites (I love by the way) I found it as being 10.5 cm x 6.5 cm - and no, the box does not come with instructions on how to open it up. Not surprisingly the price for this item on other sites sells for about $10 (with or without shipping included) so Meritline is offering up the best deal for this little box. This is a very common occurrence (being the lowest price) for this overseas company. They might have a problem with too much engrish on the product pages but they can serve up a good deal like nobody else. Gosh, I love them!

I am sure you can find a ton of uses for the Small Tricky Opening Magic Wooden Box with Extra Secure Secret Drawer but I really think the ones who would most appreciate this would be children - they love little games and the ability to hide stuff. I bet adults would too, if not for understanding other fun stuff to do (if you get my drift) but I think this would be a really cute gift for someone who is a little on the slow side at work - and as an added bonus to the gift, everyone will get a good laugh!

Well, I can not say enough good things about Meritline or this little "magic" lock box - so get one while you can (at this price) - I am sure they are going to disappear!



Deep-Fried Beer


You can say whatever you will about Texas, the Long-Star state knows how to do some things exactly right- the Texas State Fair is selling Frozen Margaristas and Deep-fried Beer. Both items should appeal to discerning palates ready to get their alcohol in new and exciting ways. 
The deep-fried beer includes comes inside pretzel-pockets- when you bite into the doughy part of the pretzel pocket, beer pops out into your mouth. mmmmmmmmm. The Frozen Margaritas are not usual either- the frozen margarita mix is combined with funnel-cake batter containing standard Margarita ingredients and sprinkled with lemon, making for what I presume is a very unusual taste and sensation. 
The unusual alcohol/fried foods are not the only entries in the Texas State Fair's  fried food category. Other entries in the competition included deep-fried chocolate and Frito Pie- probably both delicious, but maybe not quite as exciting as an actual pretzel with beer inside. 
I don't know what kind of beer was used inside the pretzel pocket- maybe a Bud Lite- nor do I know what special ingredients were used in the Frozen Margarita funnel-cake concoction. I am guessing the ingredients will be kept a secret until the winner is found. Likewise, I am convinced that the combination of booze and fried food will win out over the more traditional fried foods for their novelty alone. 

You can say whatever you will about Texas, the Lone-Star state knows how to do some things exactly right- the Texas State Fair is selling Frozen Margaristas and Deep-fried Beer. Both items should appeal to discerning palates ready to get their alcohol in new and exciting ways. 

The deep-fried beer comes inside pretzel-pockets- when you bite into the doughy part of the pretzel pocket, beer pops out into your mouth. Mmmmmmmmm.  The Frozen Margaritas are not usual either- the frozen margarita mix is combined with funnel-cake batter containing standard Margarita ingredients and sprinkled with lemon, making for what I presume is a very unusual taste and sensation. 

The unusual alcohol/fried foods are not the only entries in the Texas State Fair's fried food category. Other entries in the competition included deep-fried chocolate and Frito Pie- probably both delicious, but maybe not quite as exciting as an actual pretzel with beer inside. 

I don't know what kind of beer was used inside the pretzel pocket- maybe a Bud Lite- nor do I know what special ingredients were used in the Frozen Margarita funnel-cake concoction. I am guessing the ingredients will be kept a secret until the winner is found. Likewise, I am convinced that the combination of booze and fried food will win out over the more traditional fried foods for their novelty alone. 


7 Assorted Fruit Slice Shaped Note Paper - $4.83 (Free Shipping)

What a deal! I had to write about this "Monday Madness" promotion with Meritline. You can get 7 different fruit shaped note paper packs for under $5.00 - with FREE SHIPPING! You must use coupon code MLCK413FRUIT083068NL1 (for First 1000 Orders). Just copy and paste the coupon into the "Coupon Code" field during checkout - you will see the discount taken before proceeding and finalizing your order. If you are only interested in one or a few of these that is fine, too (The cost per item is $0.69 with the coupon) - but the coupon will only take the discount (bringing the price to $0.69 per item) on one of each item. If you order more than one of each the $0.69 price will only apply to one of them with the remainder at $2.15 (which is still not a bad price).

The options you can choose from are as follows: Apple, Pear, Lemon, Guava, Peach, Orange, and Watermelon if you order one of each the price will be $4.83! Each item includes  the fruit shaped 150-page memo pad, a paper clip, and a real fruit PE net (the fancy netting you get when you order gift baskets). Each of these items will be between three or four inches by three of four inches - which is a pretty good size. I think these look so real and would make perfect gifts for any occasion. I am going to use the ones I am getting in Christmas Baskets as a little added extra - and for the price ($0.69) this will be a great addition! I bet you could use them for other occasions as well such as Back to School, Secretary Day, Mother's Day, Birthdays - you name it!

As these items are coming from Meritline, it may take about 2 or 3 weeks for delivery because they are shipped directly from the Chinese warehouse - but I have always had the best experiences with this company and they really have great customer service. I have got to admit though - I only use PayPal for check out because I don't really know if I trust my credit card information going overseas - but do what makes you feel comfortable - just understand there will be a little wait for the item(s) to arrive.

I am so excited about this! I know, I know - I am probably creeping you out - it is just I get so aroused when I save money. Don't we all though? Now all I need to find is some inexpensive fruity pens... Any ideas?


Old World Deli, Bellingham WA

I'm in an area where

there are absolutely no Jewish Delis, at all, for miles. This is more of a hardship than you might think. There are, supposedly, bagels and bialys to be had, but thus far the Northwest idea of a bagel has been unimpressive. That said, I have discovered what is locally called a deli, but that honestly, is also at least 50% bistro. The "Old World" in their name is the dead give away. It really is an "old world" style deli and bistro.

The Old World Deli is a business, but also, a labor of love. The owners, Anna & Christos Adams, both had a background in food service, and cooking, and a love of food. They opened the deli in 2007 and the local community has taken the wide array of meats, sausages, cheeses, and reliance on local ingredients to heart. They offer breakfast panini in the early mornings, and their selection has something for everyone, ranging from brie and Apple, to pancetta, fontina and egg, to black Forest ham with house mustard, Swiss cheese and egg.

The sandwiches, hot and cold, and fresh soups are very much in a European tradition. While you can get an Italian sub, it's going to be made with fresh local artisan bread and Molianari & Sons mortadella, San Francisco salami, hot coppa, provolone and pepperoncini. And you can get a traditional muffaletta, made with olive salad, mortadella, San Francisco salami, Black Forest ham, provolone and fontina on an Italian style roll. They've got veggie options, ranging from a veggie muffaletta, to grilled veggies, or fresh mozzarella, basil pesto, or Fontina with sun dried tomato pesto, and fresh spinach. I can personally attest to the high quality of their Reuben, and their ham on rye.

Their fresh salads include House potato salad, made with red potatoes, dill pickles, fresh herbs, and apple cider and sour cream dressing. The beet salad is made with local beets, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and the mixed green salad is made with local greens. They also offer several green salads with artisanal cheeses. Their cheese offerings are chosen carefully, representing not only the best local and domestic artisanal cheeses, but large selection of imported cheeses from all over Europe. They offer the traditional salumi varieties , and their meat selections include hand-made sausages and brats. They offer not only in-store selections of cheese and salumi, but a complete array of catering options.

Their soups are made fresh daily, and using the best ingredients, featuring local produce for many of them. Here are some sample soups: Hungarian Mushroom, 3 Pepper Brazilian Bean, House Italian Sausage Spinach & Green Bean, Summer Corn Chowdah, Manhattan Clam Chowdah, Joe's Garden Vegetable, Curried Vegetable Stew, Joe's Green Bean & Lamb Meatball w/Orzo, or Potato Leek Cheddar. They always offer a choice of at least two, and you can check the current offering via Twitter.

There are tables, so you can have an espresso, or latte while you wait for an order to go, or pick up some sport peppers, a couple of bottles of wine (their Rhône selection is quite good), some crackers, or perhaps gourmet olive oils while you wait for your to go order, or sit and eat in comfort. So while they don't offer bialys, or potato knish, or kugel, or matzo ball soup—what the Old World deli does offer, is mighty fine.

The Art of Making Lunch

I love to look at food. I’m now addicted to the Food Network, and am known to grab everyday food items—like frozen pizzas or macaroni and cheese—and spice them up with various fruits, veggies, spices, and whatever I have on hand. I even had some party platters that I made from scratch become “all the rave” at a party I threw for my mother’s 50th birthday—something that I would have never been known for only a year ago. In short, I’m embracing my love of food rather than trying to suppress it, while still making healthy meals. I have Herb from The Next Food Network Star to thank for this new philosophy!

One thing I’m also becoming addicted to is the idea of bento boxes and creating art out of lunch foods. I’ve been subscribing to a bunch of lunch blogs and am just amazed at what some moms are coming up with. While my husband says they have too much time on their hands, I beg to differ. These women are taking pleasure and pride in making food for their loved ones—and most of it isn’t cooked, so that saves time rather than adds it. Also, if this is their creative outlet—much like sketching, doodling, or crafting might be for other parents—all the more power to them, since this is something they get to do daily. Bonus!

If you’re interested in making some artful lunches for yourself and your family, here are some awesome blogs you might want to check out. Feel free to share others you subscribe to in the comment section.

What’s For Lunch at Our House: Shannon comes up with some of the most amazing, creative lunches you’ll ever find. If you head to her website today, for example, you’ll see a football themed Longhorn sandwich for her husband. She comes up with some great snack ideas for her kids, too.

Another Lunch: Melissa’s ideas are nothing short of incredible. Her Little Bunny Foo Foo lunch is the most creative I’ve ever come across. (Can you believe those adorable strawberry mice?!) Her site also happens to be adorable, presented in soft colors and cute characters.

Weelicious: Not only are the recipes on this site creative—they are also delicious. Jazz up some boring peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, for example, with the Weelicious PB&J Panini! The ideas on this site are not always as adorable as the others—and typically involve more cooking—but they’re still perfect for daily use.

Muffin Tin Mom: If serving up meals in bento boxes weren’t cool enough—or if your kids are at home and you don’t need to pack up their lunches—why not serve them in a muffin tin? These ideas, from spelling out kids’ names in cheese to using alphabet themes, are fun, easy, and cute as can be.

Executive 2 Button Sportcoat - JoS. A. BANK

Do you have a big interview, or perhaps a social event that requires being well dressed (wedding, funeral, court appearance)? Well you are in luck because you can get the Executive 2 Button Sportcoat- Light Olive Tic Check for only $39.50 at JoS. A. BANK. This clearance Sportcoat features a smart 2-Button appearance, is fully lined, with soft shoulders and center vent and is 100% Wool. This is a "fancy" Dry Clean only item (that you should not wash) and it was imported (from where I don't know). As of this posting there are sizes 40 - 48 (long and regular) available. The original cost for this Sportcoat was $395 - so this clearance item is a real bargain - it is like 90% off! I have ties that are more expensive!

If you are able to pick up a few other items while you are on the site, and can get your total to $175, then your shipping is free otherwise it depends on where the item is being shipped to. This item may or may not be available for the same price at physical locations.

You know, I am a huge fan of JoS. A. BANK - for a few reasons but mostly because they are heavily discounted in comparison to my other favorite store Brooks Brothers and the quality is roughly the same. In fact, I probably could not tell a JoS. A. BANK item from a Brooks Brothers one if I had to - they look very much the same. If you ever get a chance to shop in store the experience is even quite similar - very good customer service.

This Sportcoat could even look great if you do not have to be at an event where you should dress up. I am a big fan of the laid back 'coat and jeans look that is so popular in urban areas around the fall time. There is something so appealing to me about the combination of jeans, tshirt, and sportcoat - it is so 2005ish, at least in regards to being fashionable (rich dot com business owners have been doing it forever), and I suppose that was a really great year for me.

If you are questioning whether you really need this it could also be a great gift idea for that special man (or pre/post-op FTM) in your life. This coat is a way better idea than a tie -  trust me!

So what are you waiting for? This deal is not going to buy itself!

Twizzlers Sweet & Sour Filled Twists

I'm not a big fan of sour candy, or of Twizzlers.  But I have to admit, I've taken a liking to the latest offering, which crams a strange tart substance inside a regular Twizzler.  It sounds so terrible, and so unlikely, but the pairing is nicely flavorful.

The texture of Twizzlers is the first thing you have to get past.  They always put me in mind of the vinyl seat covers on my parents' clapped out Nova that was the family car from 1974 to 1978, when it basically disintegrated out from under us.  

The pack of Twizzlers comes with four sticks of candy in two different flavors: "Citrus PUNCH!" and "Cherry KICK!"  This makes it sound like Chuck Norris is driving their marketing department.  Pow!  Biff!  Zap!

Each Twizzler has a normal fruit flavor on the outside, and a strange gooey pastey center that is the same fruit flavor, but more tart.  I found myself fascinated with the texture of the filling.  The packaging doesn't describe it as anything other than a "filling."  

The texture is like something that would be sold to kids under the Nickelodeon brand.  If you can manage to scoop out a little bit and roll it between your fingers, you find that it is somewhat rubbery, and somewhat tacky.  It seems to dry as you fiddle with it.  It is reminiscent of nothing so much as - please forgive me - boogers.

Tasty delicious tangy fruit-flavored boogers.

I am so sorry.

The flavor overall is much like that of certain Skittles.  I wouldn't describe them as "sour" even though that's what the wrapping calls it.  At the very least, it is on the extremely mild end of the "sour" spectrum.  Which frankly is just where I like it.

The only objectionable thing about Twizzlers Sweet & Sour Filled Twists (aside from the texture of the filling, which is only apparent if you scoop it out and play with it like some kind of demented child) is that they leave behind a strange oily coating in your mouth.  This is a little surprising and dismaying.  Although considering that the fourth ingredient listed is "vegetable oil (palm kernel and palm oil)" I suppose it's only natural.

This is where I get up on my high horse about palm kernel oil.  The environmental destruction being wrought by the palm kernel oil industry is truly horrifying.  Tropical rainforests are literally being leveled in order to plant and harvest palm oil.  It is not the kind of thing that should be tolerated.

I obviously need to start reading the ingredients a little more carefully before buying candy, because I keep finding - surprise!  Palm kernel oil!  Yum, tastes like destroyed orangutan habitat!  With that special "zing" of the destruction of endangered species!

But honestly, who would look at a Twizzler and think "I bet there's vegetable oil in that"?  I can only assume that the palm oil is used in that bizarre concoction known only as "filling."  (Boogers.)
