National Vinegar Month

National Vinegar Month

Boy, did I used to hate vinegar. I’m talking a deep, lasting loathing that was epic—a Capulet/Montague hatred. The smell alone turned me off, and I think I can trace it back to childhood when vinegar was used on my sunburn. It’s funny how such things stick with you and really affect you from such an early age.

Today, however, I love vinegar. We use it to clean, cook, and yes, to relieve sunburns (though apple cider vinegar is preferred in that area!). I can trace this love back, too—to the first Subway sandwich I had with it. Too afraid of it, I always ate my veggie sub with ranch dressing until my husband (then-boyfriend) told me to try his (not telling me there was oil and vinegar on it). I took one bite and was hooked, not knowing what that delicious substance was!

May is National Vinegar Month, so if you haven’t yet tried this delightful elixir in your own life, it’s the perfect time to do so. Here are just a few wonderful uses of vinegar.

  • Use it in salads, sandwiches, or other crisp, fresh vegetable dishes. It’s amazing with a dash of olive oil.
  • Try some malt vinegar with your fish and chips.
  • Use vinegar in place of lemon juice if you don’t have any available.
  • Try vinegar chips (one of my husband’s favorites).
  • Use vinegar to freshen up limp, wilted-looking veggies.
  • Flavor a dish you’re cooking with vinegar, such as roast lamb. Doing this with some honey and onions is a popular method.
  • Marinate your food in vinegar to help kill bacteria and make it tender.
  • Add vinegar to your boiled eggs while they cook to help keep them from cracking.

And be sure to try a new variety if you’re already familiar with vinegar. I had no idea that it had so many different varieties! There are many different flavored vinegars, as well as raisin, coconut, rice, honey, fruit, wine, malt, and my favorite—balsamic.

A low-calorie food, vinegar is a great condiment for people hoping to lose weight or simply stay fit. Some studies show that vinegar may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol when consumed regularly as well.

Of course, vinegar is a great cleaning agent for most surfaces as well. It’s particularly helpful in cleaning chrome, chinaware, mineral deposits, and hard water stains.