Your Oscar Party: The Food

Your Oscar Party: The Food

Ahh, the Oscars. What better excuse for a mid-winter party is there? You can dress up—either as your favorite nominated character or just in something formal and sexy—and spend the night wining and dining like a star. But where to begin?

Your Academy Award-winning menu should begin with some beverages to fit the evening. Sparkling wine or cider are good choices, as well as champagne; having a swanky drink on hand, like a delicious cosmopolitan, would also help set the mood.

Here’s a basic cosmo recipe: In a martini shaker, shake together 4 parts vodka, 2 parts cranberry juice, 2 parts triple sec, and 1 part fresh lime juice. Pour into a martini glass and serve with a lime wedge or curl for a sophisticated touch.

Be sure to have nonalcoholic beverages available for your guests, such as soft drinks, chilled grape juice, sparkling water, or anything else you think would be appropriate. You may also want to have some nonalcoholic mixed drinks available, such as a Shirley Temple, if you have any underage guests coming to your party.

Next, you’ll want to have something fresh to nibble. While chips and dips are fine, you can definitely dress up the evening with more than your little black dress. Fruit and cheese platters are classy and delicious; serve a yogurt fruit dip along with your platters for that popular fondue factor. Ready-made trays of meats, cheeses, vegetables, or brie are also often available at your local supermarket. Though slightly more costly than making your own, they can save you time if you’re in a pinch.

Though you don’t have to make your Oscar party into a dinner party, if you do provide food you may want to serve it buffet-style for easy access during the awards show. Heated trays of pasta and vegetables work well for this.

Finally, think about serving your guests something sweet to top off the evening with. A chocolate drink would be appropriate, as would cheesecake drizzled with your favorite fruit sauce. A small chocolate fondue pot surrounded by small bits of cheesecake, fruit, and other treats would also surely go over well. Just be careful—not only will you have to watch the heat, you’ll also have to keep an eye on the supply as it quickly dwindles away!

Planning on hosting a stellar Oscars shindig? Post your recipe ideas, cocktail concoctions, and other culinary creations here.