Make a Foodie Bucket List

Then start checking off those boxes!

While lots of people like to set goals in January, there's something about fall that calls for fresh beginnings, new experiences and magic in general. Yeah, we tend to romanticize the season in the West, but so what? It's nice to be excited about the weather changing instead of a new phone coming out or something. At any rate, if you are setting some new goals for yourself this fall, consider some foodie goals. You can make an entire list based on just about anything!

Maybe you want to try every flavor of root beer available to you, or 20 types of cheese or food trucks. Make a list of foods to cook, wines to sample, restaurants to visit. Make a list of every flavor of taffy at your candy shop and check through them, or every coffee drink and leisurely sample one each week throughout the season.

What will your foodie list look like? Share it in the chat!

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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