Mocha Shake Recipes

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Mochas are great iced or hot, but have you ever had a mocha shake? Thicker than a Frappucino, a mocha shake is a delicious treat that's perfect for cooling off, enjoying some chocolate flavor and still getting that caffeine kick, depending on how you make it. Yes, you can make one without caffeine if you like!

You can also make mocha shakes with fewer calories or sugar. Just use this recipe for a mocha shake from Hungry Girl, or try some mocha syrup from Skinny Syrups. If you want to use real, full chocolate and ice cream, this decadent recipe is a good one to try, and if you only have instant coffee and cocoa available, you're still in luck!

How do you like to make mocha shakes at home? What kinds of flavors, mix-ins or toppings do you like to add? Share them in the chat.

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