The "New" Butter Cracker Craze

What other "new" food trends have you noticed?

Have you heard that the latest "snack craze" is nothing but... butter on crackers? This is hilarious to those of us who grew up in the 80s and had butter on crackers as a snack on at least a weekly basis, if not more often. I bet today's kids have more real butter on their crackers than the margarine we always had, though, which is probably loads better.

In my house, butter crackers, as they were usually called, were often enjoyed when one of us was sick. I'd also make them for myself when I was very young and alone--if my parents were asleep, for example. Another favorite was cheese on crackers. It's been a while and now I'm craving these nostalgic snacks! I've read that some people even put ketchup on their butter for "poor man's shrimp cocktail," and as a kid who sometimes had ketchup sandwiches, I can see how that might have been a thing!

What other snack crazes have you seen come back from when you were a kid? Share them in the chat.

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