Check out Japan's new red cheeseburger!

Gross or awesome?
Last year Burger King released a special black cheeseburger in Japan, complete with black buns and black cheese. This year, their special burger (which will debut on July 3) is bright red. 
Called the "Aka Burger" ("aka" in Japanese means "red"), the story here is that this burger is very angry. It is available as either the Aka Samurai Beef burger or the Aka Samurai Chicken burger, and both variations are quite spicy.
The burgers have red buns, red cheese, and are topped with red tomatoes, the slathered in a spicy red "ANGRY" chili sauce made from chili peppers and paste. 

Will Crystal Pepsi return?

Pepsi says "get ready"!
Oh Crystal Pepsi, butt of so many jokes in the 90s - and for two decades after, the punchline to many jokes about the 90s. And who could forget the famous SNL fake ad for Crystal Gravy?
But Crystal Pepsi has a small but devoted fanbase who have been lobbying for its return ever since the soda was discontinued. This fanbase includes competitive eater and "90s-soda activist" Kevin Strahle, who recently asked Pepsi if they were ever going to bring it back, and got an intriguing response: Pepsi hinted that Strahle and other Crystal Pepsi fans would "all be happy with what's in store."
The non-caffeinated soda debuted in 1992 as a more natural alternative to other colas, without the artificial coloring. It was gone by 1994, due to both lackluster sales and constant mockery from all corners. But apparently soon it will be back! Get your 90s jokes ready, people!

Welcome to hot dog stuffed crust pizza

If you have ever wanted to eat hot dogs while you were eating pizza, then your ship has come in! Pizza Hut had decided to boost their sales with an insane new creation: the hot dog stuffed crust pizza.
Not content to stuff their crusts with cheese (a substance which at least already belonged on pizza), those mad scientists in the Pizza Hut food labs have decided to make their crust out of pigs in a blanket, more or less. 
The pizza is surrounded by 28 hot dog bites, each of which is wrapped in crust. Pizza Hut suggests that you dip these in mustard for the full hot dog experience, then I guess eat your pizza.
Personally I never wanted to eat hot dogs and pizza together, but what do I know?! 

California chefs cook up drought-friendly recipes

Save water and have a great dinner!
With California's drought reaching epic proportions, Califorrnia's chefs are facing higher food prices across the board, as well as wanting to save water, themselves. Television celebrity chef Nathan Lyon and his girlfriend and culinary manager Sarah Forman realized they could accomplish both goals by putting together recipes that use what they call "drought-friendly ingredients."
Not all foods take the same amount of water to produce. The couple used an online tool to calculate the "water footprint" of common ingredients at the local farmer's market. Beef is right out, as is strawberries - both use a surprising amount of water to produce, relative to other ingredients.
Lyon has posted the recipes on his blog, which include delicious offerings like Alaskan True Cod Taco (featuring pickled radish and radish top salsa). Tasty and drought-friendly!

Retirement homes switching to fresh food

No more reheated meals
Retirement homes are notorious for serving bland, institutional food. Most of it comes from centralized, corporate centers which ship out truckloads of frozen meals, which are then reheated on site. The same services that provide food for hospitals and airplanes - two other places notorious for bad meals.
There are a lot of problems with feeding someone this way long-term. It's boring and not very tasty, for one thing. Like any heavily processed meal, they aren't very healthy. And they provide little in the way of variety. Finally, some retirement homes are finding that these meals also cost more than cooking food from scratch on-site.
NPR recently profiled several retirement homes which have seen the light, and converted to a full kitchen with a proper on-site staff and chef preparing meals. Food is fresh, local, varied, and delicious. The kitchen staff is also trained on making specialty foods for people with disabilities, like mini bite-size quiches and hash brown bites, for people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease who have trouble using silverware. 
Even better, the retirement homes are finding that not only are their clients happier with the better food, but they are saving money across the board. Talk about a win-win!

"Cheese milestone" in Wisconsin: 20 year-old cheddar for sale

Already sold out
Most cheddar cheese is only a few months old. A particularly extra-sharp cheddar may have been aged for as much as 15 months. So you can understand the fuss that got kicked up in the cheese-loving community recently when a Wisconsin cheese seller announced the sale of 450 pounds of cheddar that had been aging for a whopping 20 years.
This super-aged cheddar was lovingly tended by Hook's Cheese of Mineral Point, WI. The cheese went on sale for $209 per pound - pricey, certainly, but worth it. How many other foods require you to hang onto them for two decades before sale?
The ultra-rare cheese sold out quickly, mostly to high-end restaurants which will be selling tiny amounts of the cheddar as an accent piece, or a special tasting. 
Tony and Julie Hook, the cheese-makers in question, will also be donating half of the money they raised from the sale to the Center for Dairy Research at a nearby college.

Waldorf salad, a delicious summer treat

(But choose your recipe carefully)
Last night I bought way more chopped walnuts than I needed, plus I had apples that I needed to use soon, and I was inspired to make Waldorf salad.
Waldorf salad is a chilled sort-of-fruit salad, with a base of diced apples and chopped walnuts, typically served over a bed of lettuce. Most recipes add halved grapes, thinly sliced celery, and a cream dressing. Optional additions include diced chicken, dried cranberries, raisins, and lemon zest.
The classic Waldorf salad is made with mayonnaise, although since I happened to also have bought way too much plain yogurt, I decided to use that instead. 
(Unfortunately, I chose a Martha Stewart recipe which calls for WAY TOO MUCH SALT. Do not use more than a pinch of salt, trust me!)
The salad was created at the Waldorf Astoria hotel sometime around 1895, and became an instant classic, particularly as a summer appetizer.

Bird flu devastating American poultry industry

Eggs and chicken are going to get scarce
This particular strain of bird flu is not very contagious to people. However, it has hit our nation's egg-producing area very hard, and prices may rise in the near future.
The flu is also posing a mystery for scientists, regarding its method of transmission. In the past, bird flu was thought to be only contagious through close bird-to-bird contact, as in a flock. Migratory waterfowl were blamed for spreading the disease, when they stop and flock up with domestic chickens along their route.
However, the flu has spread so fast, and through such a widespread area, that researchers believe that the virus may be carried by people. Although most farms have basic biosecurity procedures in place, including decontamination showers and disposable booties, security has been lax recently.
The virus may also be getting spread by an unknown carrier, like a rodent or insect. 
In the meantime, the destruction and disposal of so many birds is having a catastrophic effect on the local landfills, and will no doubt have a huge financial impact on the farms, and on the economy at large.

Making a basic guacamole

I recently moved to southern California, where avocados literally grow on trees. They are everywhere here, and often on sale, so I am much less reluctant to experiment with them than before.
The biggest key to guacamole is making sure that your avocados are ripe enough. The timing can be tricky here! If you need your avocados to ripen faster, put them in a paper bag. Adding a ripe banana to the bag will help them ripen even faster.
Guacamole is like salsa: it comes in a million different varieties. The basic ingredients are avocados, lime juice, minced onion, cilantro, and some heat - in whatever form and amount you like. If you are a spicy food enthusiast, mince up serrano or habanero peppers. Jalapeno peppers are a little more mild. You can also just use cumin and cayenne pepper, for the flavor without the heat.
Here are several different guacamole recipes you can try, and feel free to substitute for the ingredients you have on hand.

McDonald's tentatively trying out kale

Will customers be lovin' it?
McDonald's has been losing money hand over fist for a variety of reasons, one of which being their inability to reach certain market segments. The kale-loving segment, not to put too fine a point on it. 
And thus, the kale veggie breakfast bowl, which will sell for $4, and is currently being tested in nine California markets. The breakfast bowl features kale and spinach mixed with turkey sausage and egg whites, and represents the vanguard of McDonald's new attempt to reposition itself as a "modern, progressive burger company."
If the kale bowls take off, McDonald's will quickly find itself in the unique position of being the nation's biggest purchaser of kale. After they added apple slices to Happy Meals, they became the biggest buyer of Gala apples in the country. Imagine the kale market taking off because of McDonald's!
