September 2020

How Medicine Has Changed Forever

While nobody loves Covid-19, it has brought a silver lining with its storm as most things do. One of these linings is the fact that telemedicine may be here to stay, which is great for families who can't make it to the doctor for various reasons. It's also made lots of activities more accessible to poeple with disabilities, some of whom are finding themselves finally able to participate in a largely virtual world. 

What Did RBG Mean to You?

Ruth Bader Ginsberg was an extraordinary woman who moved mountains, ensured freedoms that we enjoy today and fought for feminism her entire life. Like all of our great heroes, she was far from perfect and even made harmful decisions on occasion. That doesn't mean we can't not only celebrate everything she accomplished for democracy as well as mourn for her as we struggle to deal with the aftermath of her death and what it means in the United States right now.

A Deadhead Halloween

Theme parties are always fun, especially when they're built around one of the most popular bands of all time. A Deadhead Halloween that makes use of everything from Grateful Dead music and decor to themed food and drinks will be a hit with any fans of the band as well as anyone who just enjoys a nice psychadelic vibe.

Honoring RBG's Wishes

Only hours after Ruth Bader Ginsburg left us, Mitch McConnell was already promising to vote on her replacement soon. This is the same Senate that can't pass an aid package for Americans during Covid-19 or even get the entire country to mask up, and it's the same Majority Leader who refused to vote on Merrick Garland when Barack Obama wanted to nominate him during the last opening during an election year.

Improving Zoom Game Time

Plenty of people are getting bored with Zoom calls, especially when they're required to use them on a daily, and even hourly, basis. So how do you go about making time spent on Zoom calls more engaging?

Letting people choose whether or not to use the video option is a big must since many of us have bad hair days, messy house days and other reasons why we may not want to have our faces on video. Hiding yourself can also make you feel more comfortable.

Best Finds at the Spirit Store

The Spirit Shop always has always had some cool Halloween products for sale each year, and in recent years they've taken to selling lots of neat things we can keep out year-round. Last year I was able to nab some really neat decorations for almost half off at the end of the season, which makes me want to wait to save that much money again, but I know a lot of things sold out really fast last year, too.

NASA Considering Nuclear Fission For Manned Lunar Bases And Space Propulsion - Part 1 of 3 Parts

Part 1 of 3 Parts
       I write for two blogs, one on nuclear issues and one on the space industry. Sometimes subjects overlap between the two blogs. This series of articles has to do with NASA’s interest in using nuclear power to propel spacecraft and power manned bases in space. I decided that I would post these articles in the space blog and not the nuclear blog.
