
Dandelions Are Actually Healthy and a Little Tasty

I was getting the spaghetti ready for dinner tonight when I asked my husband to prepare a salad; I was thinking Spinach, but he had other ideas. He asked me if I knew anything about making “Dandelion Salads”. Since my main image of Dandelions is in a yard full of weeds, the idea of a “Dandelion Salad” didn’t sound all that appetizing, but I decided to try it.

Last week, my husband picked several Dandelions at a near-by farm and was eager to use the leaves for a salad. He googled for a Dandelion Salad recipe he liked and then added Roasted Pine Nuts, Red Onion, and Red Cabbage to the young Dandelion leaves and then made a quick Olive Oil-based dressing.


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