
Fun things you can do with marshmallows

Tasty marshmallow creations

My youngest daughter is obsessed with marshmallows. She literally goes crazy when she sees one. Instead of just handing her a few plain marshmallows, I look for ways I can make the marshmallows more exciting to eat. Here is what I have come up with:

Marshmallow kabobs: Take a bamboo skewer and slide a marshmallow half way down. Next, slide a strawberry and then another marshmallow. Follow that with a cantaloupe ball and another marshmallow. Finish up with a ball of watermelon and another marshmallow to top it all off.

Yogurt marshmallow pops: Place a marshmallow on the end of a popsicle stick. Dunk it in a cup of yogurt (whatever flavor you like) and roll it in graham cracker crumbs. Place it in freezer for a few minutes so that the yogurt hardens up a bit. Eat away.


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