Are you ready to eat crickets?

Are you ready to eat crickets?

You should!
There are a lot of reasons why you should be eating food made with cricket flour. From a nutritional standpoint, crickets are high in protein, low in fat, and rich in amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids. From an ecological perspective, crickets provide far more protein per acre than chickens, hogs, or cows ever could. Not to mention they require far less water, don't require widespread use of antibiotics, and have a far smaller carbon footprint.
There's only one catch: it's crickets. You are eating crickets.
My boyfriend occasionally buys a carton of Exo Bars, which are proudly made from cricket flour. There is no getting around it - it's right there on the box, which is labeled "CRICKETS ARE DELICIOUS" in red and white packing tape. The package of the bars is just as pro-cricket, with "MADE WITH CRICKET FLOUR" prominently displayed.
I would love to tell you what they taste like, but… I just can't. I am sure they are delicious. I am sure if I tried some without knowing what was in it, I would love it. But I can't unwrap that package without thinking about all those little cricket legs, the shiny carapace, the waving antennae. 
Nevertheless, this is probably the future of food in a world post-climate change. Eat up!