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Best Gnocchi Recipes

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My cat's name is Noke, which is pronounced no-key, which prompts people, upon hearing it, to think that he is named after potato pasta. No such case: he's actually fully named Princess Mononoke, and called Noke for short. The truth is that I've never eaten gnocchi! I bought a package at the store to make a couple of weeks ago but never got around to it, so I'm here to beg for your best gnocchi recipes.

First of all, is making your own very difficult? Should I buy the packaged variety but customize the rest for a semi-homemade meal? This list of seven perfect sauces for gnocchi has me interested. Butter, sage and parmesan? Yes, please! Pesto is always a good idea in my book, and of course I'd try marinara with basil. 

What is your favorite way to make gnocchi? Let us know in the chat.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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