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Cute Pancakes For The Kids

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Growing up I always loved to make silly things for my sisters to eat. One of them was pancakes in various shapes or food colorings. My own daughter isn't a big pancake fan so while she's enjoyed other silly creations, it's not something I've made in recent years, but we have made pancake art just for fun. I've been thinking about how much fun it was to make these shapes, though. Since I now babysit my niece, who is two years old, I think we'll have to try some cute pancakes soon!

I love these lion faces, which I never made when I was a teen (my specialty was green "alien" pancakes), and I've seen many other creative variations of pancake art over the years, too. You could also let the littles dip in some batter and make their own wonky shapes, add in some natural food coloring, let them deocrate with sprinkles, whipped cream (I suggest making your own from heavy cream, which only takes minutes and can be sugar-free), fruit and other fun items and make it a whole pancake party!

How do you like to make whimsical treats for kids?

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