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Yummy Midwinter Soups

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Spring is just around the corner, but we've had one of the coldest winters I can remember where I live and I'm still very much in cozy soup and tea mode. I don't think a day has gone by this year without a mug of one or the other! A good soup does wonders against the chill.

I just ran across this recipe for chicken fajita soup and think it looks very tasty. I'd love a recipe for low-carb chicken tortilla soup that's really good, too; the trick with low-carb soup, of course, is to thicken it well. While xanthan gum and coconut flour will get you so far, making copycat recipes often falls flat just because of consistency, so if you know of a really good one, I'd love it! I'd also love a great broccoli and cheese and/or cauliflower and cheese soup recipe of the same varieties.

What are your favorite soup recipes? How do you warm up during the winter months? Share your recipes in the chat.

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