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Bacon-Wrapped Goodness

What's your favorite way to use bacon?

As much as I've tried to reduce my meat intake, my family and I still enjoy bacon every now and then because it's one of the most delicious foods ever invented. My favorite way to eat it, aside from by itself, is to wrap it around jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese, herbs and sometimes even another cheese. YUM. It is the best guilty pleasure I have and a little really does go a long way.

My sister loves bacon-wrapped scallops, and I've also enjoyed bacon-wrapped figs, turkey and other goodies in my lifetime (not to mention candied bacon, which deserves its own discussion), but I'd love to hear what other bacon-wrapped foods people enjoy.

So what are your favorite bacon-wrapped food recipes? What do you love to make, or what bacon-wrapped goodies have you found in stores or restaurants? 

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