Dietary Changes To Save The Earth

Would you make them?

If scientists devloped some sort of diet or eating guide that would help us preserve this planet for human life, would you implement it into your life? A new United Nations report is suggesting that is what humans need to do, and that by reducing meat consumption we could actually lower emissions by 15%. That's an amazing change, and if we are actually able to make this happen, I'm all for it, even if my health means that meat is a pretty central part of my diet. 

I know many other people who have had to change from a plant-based diet to one that incorporates more meat as they get older for health reasons, too, which can be problematic here, but the idea is less red meat overall. This makes sense, since so much rainforest land in particular has been used for cattle grazing, and if we limit ourselves to local, non-red meat, that's still a big impact to be had.

What do you think of these ideas? Would you make the changes to help save the world for human use?

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Chaffle Sandwiches

Easy keto sandwiches for waffle-maker owners!

Hungry people, I love a good sandwich. Sometimes I'll get one with real bread, but normally I just eat a deconstructed one without bread since I eat low-carb for health reasons. I'm always looking for a good cloud bread or easy bread recipe to use for something like a grilled cheese, and I can't wait to try something I just read about in one of my cooking groups. It's called a chaffle, which is just a waffle made out of cheese and eggs!

All you do is whisk an egg, stir in 1/2 cup of shredded cheese and add any herbs, salt, etc. that you like. Penzey's sandwich sprinkle and Brady Street Cheese are my two go-two spices so I know I'll be using those! Then you cook half of the mix for a few minutes (the crisper, the more solid sandwich bread consistency you're going to get), take it out, and cook the rest. That's it! I can't wait to try it tonight with dinner.

What other interesting "breads" have you made? Share your recipes below in the chat!

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Yummy Jam Recipes

Share yours in the chat

Making jam is a lot of work, at least in my opinion, but the results are so worth it. Homemade jams and jellies taste so much better than the ones you buy at the store, and not only because of the fresh ingredients you use. They also have just the right amount of sweetness per your liking!

I tend to avoid as much sugar as possible, so when I saw this recipe for low-carb roasted strawberry and rhubarb jam, I knew it was my... jam! See what I did there? It does call for sweetener, so if you prefer to not use any sweeteners, you could always go with whatever sugar you prefer. Another one I am dying to try is this berry chia jam. I want to like chia, but their texture when wet is just not appealing. I can see them working in a jam quite well.

What is your go-to jam recipe? Share it in the chat!

Keto Restaurant Hacks

Share yours in the chat!

I live a mostly keto lifestyle for many reasons, which means most of what I eat comes from the earth--lots of veggies and avocado! I also love me some nuts, and I use olive oil and vinegar on the daily. I do have protein every day, but not nearly as much as most people think keto eaters consume. I do like to eat out as a treat, so finding out restaurant hacks is one of my jams.

I saw this Texas Roadhouse cheat sheet, and while I like it, I'll have to pass. My favorite foods at that restaurant are ALL carb-heavy, from the country fried chicken to those amazing rolls with honey butter. And while I can have butter, I certainly can't have theirs! It's really too bad, since most things can be made without sugar if you know your hacks--almond flour is another staple in my home, as is coconut flour. Usually I'll hack a menu by ordering a salad my way and maybe adding a protein or side that I know I can safely eat, but when a restaurant has secret ways it can prepare things for you, it gets exciting!

Whether you have some great keto hacks or other exciting ways to tweak restaurant menus for your diet, share them in the chat!

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Hidden Food Art

Share your favorites!

Regular food art that you can immediately see, whether it's a mural done out of fruit or barista art in your coffee, is a wonder to behold. It always blows my mind how creative the human mind can be. So when you find out that there are other forms of food art beyond what you can see at first glance, it's even more breathtaking!

Take these paintings. You have no idea they're even there until you pour on soy sauce, then boom--instant beauty! They kind of remind me of blooming teas, which aren't the tastiest of teas but sure are lovely to look at. 

Have you run across any other hidden food art, either online or in your life? Tell us about it in the chat!

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Your Favorite Tandoori Recipes

How do you make it at home?

Indian cuisine is on my brain today, and I'm so excited about this recipe for Tandoori Chicken over at Wellness Mama. I always assumed that it was a complicated dish that requires very specific equipment to make, but this recipe calls for an outdoor grill to make it with, which is perfect for this time of year. It also requires marinating overnight, so alas, I won't be eating it today!

The spices it calls for are pretty simple, too--I'd say that masala might have been hard to get years ago but I've seen it in most major grocery stores where I live. Knowing me, I'll go heavy on the garlic and easy on the cilantro, if I include it at all, since I'm one of those soap people!

Do you make tandoori at home? If so, what recipe do you use? Share your tips in the chat!

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Broccoli Cheddar Waffles

Oh yeah...

We are living in one of the most inventive times to be alive, and that includes food inventions! Chefs are constantly coming up with such clever, creative ideas that it just wows me. I could look at food on the Internet every day and not get bored with it just because there's always something new and exciting to see.

One of my favorite food blogs just published a recipe for cheddar broccoli waffles. These look incredible! They're low-carb, not too calorie-heavy, full of protein and offer a way to get some broccoli into your day in a more creative way. I love broccoli and would eat it in just about any way, but this just looks so fun! I love the idea of veggie waffles, too, and I'm thinking of playing with other versions for this recipe.

What do you think? Have you ever made veggies in a really inventive way? Share your ideas in the chat!

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Kids Photographed With Their Weekly Meals

What do you think of this?

As much of us love to ogle food to the point of sharing it on Instagram (really? whatever floats your boat), this project seems a little... weird... to me. A photographer took pics of kids surrounded by the food that they eat and while it can be enlightening, I think it's also problematic. 

The images themselves have the kids posed, surrounded by food; why? Why not just have the food shown? Because it's been done before? Bingo. It seems odd to make the kids pose like this. It almost feels like exploitive poverty tourism.

It's also ridiculous to shame people who live in food desserts, or poor people who go by the most calories $1 will buy in terms of filling up hungry kids. I've seen so many parents snark on this piece, shaming "junk food" and calling it worse, not understanding what it's like to feed three kids on a box of Kraft because it's more filling. I know because I grew up in a house like that and my sisters and I often shared that for dinner. When I got older, I even got a job with free food to help.

What do you think of this type of art? Share your thoughts in the chat.

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Fruit Pizza

Just in time for the 4th of July

Blue foods. They just don't get enough recognition. That's why it's the perfect time of year to create a fruit pizza with some blueberries, just in time for a red, white and blue themed holiday. I am so excited that I was able to find a keto version of fruit pizza for the 4th of July. I love fruit pizza so much, but it's usually super high in sugar and made with a carby crust.

The recipe uses a low-carb cookie dough for its crust, and the frosting is made of, you guessed it, cream cheese! It does utilize sweeteners, so your miles may vary when it comes to those and blood sugar. You may want to sub in your favorite sweetener, whether it's stevia or monkfruit, or just use some honey if you're not as worried about blood sugar. Then the rest of the pizza is, of course, low-carb berries, which aren't free of the sugars but are low enough for this small indulgence. 

Do you make fruit pizza at home? If so, what ingredients do you like to use? Share them in the chat! 

Summer Recipes To Learn

Before you toss that salad...

I am notorious for just sticking to summer salads during the hot months. Here in the Midwest, where "it's the heat and not the humidity," anything to keep your house one or two degrees cooler is a good thing, so if I can avoid cooking, I will. I'm known to eat only salad on hot days, which can get a bit dull!

According to bon appetit, these summer recipes are ones that everyone should learn, and they sure look a lot tastier than my cabbage mess (AKA salad) that I made yesterday! Yes, there are salads in this oven-free list, but they sure look a lot better than what I make! The spaghetti with walnut pesto looks incredible, and I could really go for the BLT listed here.

What are your favorite summer recipes to make that don't result in a hot kitchen? Share your recipes in the chat! 

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